Profile CIMEDs
Pusat Inovasi Alat dan Piranti Kesehatan Centre for Innovation of Medical Equipment and Devices (CIMEDs) adalah salah satu grup riset yang berubah menjadi lembaga penelitian yang mewadahi penelitian di bidang teknik biomedis di lingkungan Universitas Gadjah Mada.
CIMEDs berdiri sejak 2009 dan ditetapkan sebagai Pusat Unggulan Inovasi Perguruan Tinggi pada 2019. CIMEDs beranggotakan para peneliti dengan beragam bidang ilmu dan keahlian, terutama teknik mesin, ilmu material, rekayasa biomedis, serta kedokteran.
Bencana gempa bumi pada 27 Mei 2006 di Yogyakarta telah menginspirasi CIMEDs untuk memulai melakukan inovasi alat dan piranti kesehatan yang telah ada di Indonesia. Pada 2009, CIMEDs merilis produk pelat osteosintesis untuk membantu proses penyembuhan tulang patah. Produk ini menjadi unggulan CIMEDs hingga sekarang. Seiring berjalannya waktu, CIMEDs melakukan berbagai riset, inovasi dan merilis produk alat kesehatan lainnya, misalnya sendi lutut dan panggul tiruan, instrumen bedah, kaki palsu dan alat pelindung diri (APD) untuk tenaga kesehatan.
Centre for Innovation of Medical Equipment and Devices (CIMEDs) is one of the research groups that has been transformed into a research institute that houses research in the field of biomedical engineering within Universitas Gadjah Mada.
CIMEDs was established in 2009 and then became one of the University’s Innovation Excellence Center in 2019. CIMEDs consists of researchers with a variety of fields of expertise, especially mechanical engineering, materials science, biomedical engineering, and medicine.
The earthquake disaster on May 27, 2006 in Yogyakarta has inspired CIMEDs to start innovating medical equipment and devices that already exist in Indonesia. In 2009, CIMEDs released osteosynthesis plates to aid the healing process of broken bones. This product has been the flagship of CIMEDs until now. Over time, CIMEDs conducted various researches, innovations and released other medical device products, such as artificial knee and hip joints, surgical instruments, prosthetic legs and personal protective equipment.